And then, the motion timed light went out. Farm Gal started pulling on the wood slats that make up the door to see if any were loose. Then she could pull one of and get her hand through to open the latch. No such luck.
Exhibit C: Loosened slat on door from Farm Gal pulling to try and save her life!
It's now 6-something in the morning and Farm Gal is stuck in a dark corn crib filled with hay (and lord only knows what other kind of varmints), no cell phone, no one else home to help her out, dogs loose in the house and no way out.
WAIT! She had a small pair of grooming scissors on her that she planned to use to cut open the hay bale. They were small, but maybe the could reach to the latch to pop it open for her.....seeing as pulling on wood and frantically throwing your pregnant self at the door doesn't do much!
After 15 minutes or so of trying every which way to reach the scissors to the latch and pop it open, nothing was working. Finally, but the grace of the witches that fly past the Hallow's Eve moon ;), something triggered the motion sensor on the light! LET THERE BE LIGHT....for a minute or two, at least! She managed to get the handle of the scissors around the end of the latch and popped it open. SHE WAS FREE!
So you see, if Farm Gal had no other choice but to wait until noon or so, when her husband was to be home, at least she hay a warm place to the hay.
Happy Halloween Everyone!
This Farm Gal's day sure started out quite Spooktacular!