"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dark Days Challenge - Week 2

Today I made the meal for week 2 of the Dark Days Challenge.

I kind of feeling like I cheated almost since it was so easy, but I have good reason. And I should also note that I still am not finding this overall challenge as easy as I thought! I think of things I could make, but once I get into ingredients required, there is always something that disqualifies the recipe!

For this week, I made an egg fritata of sorts. My husband is currently fasting due to a procedure he is having done tomorrow. So, as much as I wanted to cook up some bacon with this, I was trying to be as simple as possible all while trying not to make the house smell too good! He's starving and bacon would have been too much torture!

All I did was melt some butter from Hartzler's Dairy in my small cast iron skillet. I threw in some swiss chard I picked up from my local farmer's market yesterday and cooked it down some. Then I threw in a minced up garlic clove, also from the farmer's market. After a minute or so, I poured in 3 eggs I scrambled. The eggs were from a local Amish family. I let it cook through and breakfast was served!

The toast is probably not included ;) However, it is made from Spelt and I picked it up at the market yesterday too. I was intrigued as I learned the spelt was grown here in the area by a family whose land is certified organic for growing spelt and other grains. The other ingredients though are what outrule the bread for the challenge....salt, apple cider vinegar etc. Though, 'wild yeast' also peaked my interest! Again, I plead forgiveness! My intent was local, grass-fed bacon but I couldn't do it to my starving husband!!


Debi said...

Fasting for those procedures is the pits especially when others in the house get to eat. Your food did look really good.

Susan said...

Fritatas are my choice for dinner too and yours with Swiss Chard sounds like a winner. I admire that you're keeping to your mantra to use locally grown and produced products. I know how hard that is to accomplish, especially in the winter. XOXO