"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Clean Slate - Welcome 2013!

Hi There!
I am back.

I think!

I miss blogging. And the other thing is, I have a lot of opinions swirling in my head and voicing them to only my husband gets boring. He's heard it all before so I think he tends to nod and agree anymore, not really hearing what I say :)

2012 was trying for me. Lots of ups and downs.

A special little boy turned 1 -- gosh, now he is almost ready to turn 2!
And I also became prego with my second child -- which contributed a lot to the lack of tending to this blog. I am not a person who glows being prego. In fact, the only glow coming off me is probably from the sweat that develops on my face after I dry heave every other minute of EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! We are in the home stretch now though, and soon we'll be welcoming another little bundle on the farm!

I also took a plunge and have started my own business with Essential Oils. There will be many more post on this to come - trust me!

Many of you were following along with my sweet mare, Gypsy. I am so sad to say she did not pull through and she passed peacefully, near her pasture with her herd on Sunday, September 16. She let me know it was time, and even though it was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, I know it was the right decision. I miss her so much every single day. There will truly never be another horse like her in my lifetime. And I know her herd misses her too. It sucks. It was a low point of my 2012.

Alas, 2013 is now upon us. And any year ending in a 13 HAS to be a good year, right?
So, I am hoping to dive back into my blog. To talk about life, REAL food, kids, farming and anything else that tickles my fancy.

Tried any new recipes lately? Care to share?


Susan said...

Hi Allison, I'm so sorry to hear about Gypsy; our beloved cat, Bailey passed away in July--a decision I hated to make, but it was time. So happy you're back blogging and I will definitely look up you site for Essential Oils. I was in Oberlin in November, but with the hurricane and short visit I had with my grandson, I didn't want to bother you, but I promise to get together the next time I'm in the area; I would love to visit your farm. Happy 2013, XOXO

Unknown said...

Hi Susan! So good to hear from you. I thought about you in the fall when you said you'd be in town, but I was still feeling pretty crummy :/ I am so sorry to hear about your cat - it is never easy. Please do touch base next time you are visiting!

Tami said...

Yeah, Allison's back!!! I was wondering how you were doing. I LOL with your comment about your nodding husband. (He's a keeper for sure. Mine does the same thing.)

So sorry about to hear about Gypsy. Seems like a lot of us lost our special ones this year. I just feel blessed that I could love and care for them for the short time I have them.

Feel better Sweetie!

Unknown said...

Awe thanks Tami! That made me smile :)

Camille said...

So glad to see you blogging again, Allison! I'm so sorry to hear about Gypsy. I hope your memories bring you peace. Happy 2013 and a fresh new start! :)

Melissa said...

Yay! Glad to see you in this space again!

So sorry to hear about your beautiful Gypsy and your morning sickness, but very happy to hear about your new business, almost 2 year old and soon-to-be-new little one!

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are back! & feeling better! I am sorry to hear about Gypsy- they are not just horses-or pets-they become family to us!
