My sister, Kellie, with our niece, Madelyn, and her son, Ben!

My sister, Kellie, with our niece, Madelyn, and her son, Ben!
I am sure I could go on, but I am already getting worn out again just reliving this for this blog post. So you see....I have said it before, my husband has a flare for the dramatics. Nothing can be taken in stride with him. EVERYTHING has to become an huge issue. I wonder if there is a pharmaceutical company out there working on a pill for this? If so, I'd like to nominate him to be a test for them ;) He won't take it willingly, but I already decided I can crush the pill and sprinkle it on the sandwiches I make him for lunch - would that be ok? Did I really just admit that out loud!? Telling him "Welcome to being a homeowner" and "Welcome to living on a farm" just doesn't seem to cut it!
Hmmmm, confessions. Everything I blog on here is a confession I suppose! A glimpse into the fact that I truly have no clue about lots, dive right in, don't give second thoughts and go with whichever way the wind blows. Is that what my mother means when she says I am free spritied? Hmmm. Well, anywho, I wanted to share a few secrets about my novice gardening skills. Shhhh, and don't tell my husband ;)
So, we have a garden gardens and I have no clue! I just buy seeds and plants like a compulsive buyer because I think, how cool to pick that out of my backyard instead of BUY it at the store. It will be healthier for us this way AND taste better too.....and cost less ;) I think my husband has a compulsiveness in plant and seed buying too, but probably for other reasons unbeknownst to me!
As I mentioned in yesterdays post, we accomplished a lot of garden work over the weekend. My husband shocks me all the time in a good kind of way! He knows way more about this stuff than I ever thought. Really, he knows more about homesteading that I ever imagined! I do still surprise him sometimes though; for exmaple, on making Wild Violet Jelly! But lets be honest, I did not come up with the idea on my own; I found the recipe online. Anyways, for exmaple, I found a recipe on how to make your own butter from heavy whipping cream - cool right! The conversation went like this:
Pretty neat huh! And pretty dead on considering the weather we're having today and scheduled to have the next two days here in NE Ohio! I believe our last frost date is this Saturday - keep your fingers crossed! In the words of my husband, "This garage is starting to look like a nursery!" I think he means, we need to get the seedlings into the ground....asap!
I have been reading a lot this past week in other blogs about thistle and things you actually can do with it, so I did an Etsy search on it ;) and came across this beautiful print! You can find it, and many other nice prints, at Futurowoman Fotographie.
I decided that we're going to try and grow the peas right outside of this outdoor 'covered patio' of the hen house. * Note, no hens this year! I figured the peas can climb up the chicken wire. We'll see how my plan works! Hubby had to till up the area and 'de-weed' first.
Allen came home from a golf outing and I ran at him with my hand in the air telling him I have a disease. He said "get away because you probably smell like hoof" :/ Dang, can't fool that cowboy!