"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just a regular occurance around here...

Nothing puts a little excitement into your day like this kind of phone call: Allen calls me at 4:27 p.m. "don't panic, but the neighbor just called and said a horse is out" and honestly, I didn't panic - LOL - this is like a regular day on the farm anymore. I had to pick up feed on my way home and Allen said he was almost home anyways, so I just continued on my merry way to pick up the feed.

So a few minutes later, he calls back and says the neighbor told him the horse is by the barn and it is a 'dirty white one' ;) That tells me one thing - it's Gypsy! Poor girl; people think she is dirty even when she isn't ;) So then I REALLY didn't panic because I know she won't go anywhere out of view of the rest of her herd!

Allen said he pulled in the drive and around to the back of the house and there she was, just chilling in the yard! He just casually walked past her and into the barn for her halter and she basically followed him! She must have been out most of the day though, there were decent poo piles all throughout the yard, back by Daisy and even one on the SIDE OF THE HOUSE! Clearly, she enjoyed herself ;)

Oh, and how did she get out do you ask? Allen latched their stall doors in the morning, but failed to put the extra lock on; she must have kicked until the latch popped and the door opened! We tested our theory. I told Allen "you don't weight 1200#, you kicking this door could do nothing" --- three kicks and TA-DA, the door was open ;)

But I must say, this is my kind of loose horse case! Not like this, or this, or THIS!


meemsnyc said...

This happened at our family farm before. Jill the Percheron escaped to see her boyfriend, a horse she grew up with down the street. Horses are smart.

suzanne said...

Hello Allison

I am so glad you like the little farm animals. I hope you are feeling better..I just LOVE Gypsy's spirit~!

Lots of love to you
Warmr egards