"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, September 14, 2009

Vacation Requires Vacation

Last week was a whirlwind of a week for us. We had Monday off due to the Labor Day Holiday and I honestly cannot remember what we did, but I would venture to say it's a safe bet that we did work around the farm.

Tuesday & Wednesday were "real job" work days. I should define "real job" - this is not the job(s) we LOVE doing, it is just the job(s) we HAVE to do, in order to do what we love to do! In layman's terms, the job that cuts the paychecks ;)

We both took off Thursday & Friday to try and tackle some things that need done like fencing in a pasture for the mini's and rebuilding their winter barn doors. Well, in true fashion for the way things go for us - that all went untouched. Are you surprised?!

Wednesday night we found ourselves in the ER. No worries, we're fine. Long story short, we sat there for 4 hours with no resolution other than I felt fine by the time I was seen by a doctor! 3:30am and I was finally able to get back into my own bed...only to be woken up a couple hours later by hungry horses - ugh - need. sleep.! Anyways, the reason I even tell this, is because I think it is 'hilarious' to note that as I am doubled over in pain and finally was able to get myself dressed, I come into the kitchen to tell my husband I am ready to go... and I smell coffee. I look at the coffee pot and see some has just been freshly brewed. ???

Me: You made Coffee?
Allen: It's gonna be a long night......
Me: We are NEVER having children - I'd be giving birth on the kitchen floor while you fix yourself coffee....get. in. the. car!

So as I was saying - we didn't accomplish half of what we planned to on our days off. Thursday was off to the dentist, then home to pick apples and pears for a farmers market we attended that evening. Friday was a whole lot more picking apples and running apple related errands for Saturday mornings farmer's market. Allen wanted to be there EARLY Saturday so we had no issue getting in our space - with the truck - and being set up and ready to go by 8am. To him, this meant that he needed to get out of bed at 4:30am - whatever! Not me! Even the dogs thought he was nuts and usually they are pulling the covers off us to get out of bed. When I did get up and stumble out to hay the horses, they all looked at me with squinted & annoyed eyes for turning on the lights before the sun broke!I did feel their pain ;)

Yesterday was supposed to be a day of relaxing, but of course, we ended up having more issues with the water pump! What's new! Tonight we'll be packing orders of Apple Seconds for a few Amish customers! The time has arrived - Harvest Time - and we'll be non-stop busy for the next month and a half picking and selling....and trying to determine which varieties of apples we have!

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