So today, I would like to show you what is is like when I go to the feed store and to another store to pick up shavings :) Now granted, I had some stuff already in the back seat from an art show I was at over the weekend; it's been raining ever since so I had no ambition to lug it all out of my car! So I guess this is partly my fault.
Here was my front passenger seat....

It is times like this when I should really remember to drive Allen's truck to work. You see though, Allen's truck is now really just a true farm truck! I'd have to feed it oil and transmission fluid and promise not to work it too hard while I had it out. Then give her a good 'ol shock treatment to get 'er going before she might even agree to allowing me to take her. [Yes, we are still discussing the truck].....and thennnnn, if it's raining, I am screwed. The shavings can't go in the the bed because they are not in waterproof bags and I can PROMISE you there isn't enough room for them in the cab! So for now, I will have to settle with the dazed & confused looks of the guys who load up my feed and shavings when they ask if I want them in the trunk! :)
On a side note, here's a new pic of the Farm Manager courtesy of hubby! (I did the graphics;)