"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog Love Tagged

Melissa over at Sky Minded & Ever Growing tagged me in a recent blog love post and someone she thought was interesting! I must say, I quite enjoy her blog as well; her gardening adventures, beekeeping and chicken adventures!

So, now that I've been tagged, I get to answer the 11 questions she has set forth for me. Questions like this usually stump me!

1. Where is your favourite place in the world? Tell us why?
I don't think I have visited enough places to answer that -- there are many places I envision as being wonderful nooks I'd love! But, two of my most favorite places to be at any given moment are in the pasture watching the horses graze during summer and at the foot of my sons crib in the morning when he wakes up and gives me a huge smile!

2. What person has inspired you most?
Tough...tough tough tough! How can I answer this! :) I have had different people inspire me in different ways. This is really a tough one.

3. Who would you like to have over for dinner (famous or not, currently living or not)?
Easy - my maternal grandparents. My grandmother passed when I was maybe 5ish and my grandfather when I was in 5th grade, I believe.

4. Where were you born?
Cleveland, OH

5. City, coast or country?

6. What is the best surprise you've ever had?
That I was right all along, it was a boy!

7. What is your favorite song and why?
I don't have just one favorite, however two cd's I can play from track to track over and over and always love -- Mumford & Sons 'Sigh No More' and Our Lady Peace 'A Decade'

8. What are you most passionate about?
Is this a trick question to get me on a hundred soap boxes?
Animal Rescue & Welfare, Sustainability, Being Green, Grow Your Own & No GMO's :)

9. What were you like as a 3 year old? (as far as you know)
Mom? care to answer in the comments? :) My guess would be, outgoing.

10. Describe your most cherished photograph?
Hmmm, I don't know that I have a most cherished -- I'd have to think about that.

11. What have you done that you are the most proud of?
Got myself to where I am thus far in my life!



suzanne said...

Hello Allison

So nice to get to know you a little more through your answers...

Guess what...I got my parcel!!! I am so excited! Thank thank you for all your lovely seeds. They will be planted tomorrow and i can't wait. THe weather is warm and we still have a fair amount of Summer left. My question is what season can I plant the false indigo?

I hope the little fella is well and happy.

Thank you once again Allison
lots of love

Melissa said...

Thanks for playing along! I enjoyed reading your answers :-)

Susan said...

It's surprising how just 11 questions can tell so much about a person. You're still my hero(ine)! XOXO