"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On being a Mom...

Many people tell you your life will change forever once you have a child. Biggest understatement I have ever heard if I do say so myself. I don't believe anyone can ever explain what 'your life will change forever' truly means until you have experienced it for yourself.

For the past 356 days, my life has changed, drastically, in so many ways. And many of these ways are silent to everyone but myself, and sometimes my husband who gets dealt the brunt of my sporadic emotional fits!

I long for a full nights sleep. But, for as long as I live, I doubt I will experience this again. A restless night doesn't end when my baby stops teething. I envision nights ahead laying awake while my child grows in leaps and bounds. Starting school, catching colds, making friends, turning into a teenager [lord help me], driving [lord help me], going to college, moving out....you catch my drift.

Everything I do today, for the past 356 days, always goes right in line with thinking of my kid. Some things I may have done before, without thought, now creates a moment of pause. Reminding myself I have a child now, who needs me, who depends on me. And I need to make sure my decisions are smart for no other reason than because I need to be here for my child.

They say when you have a baby, you life will change forever. Yes, you will have someone to care for. Diapers to change, bottles to make, teaching to do. But really, it is so much more.


Kim said...

Don't worry, you will get to have a full night's sleep again ~ someday. Funny, our boys are all big now and occasionally come kiss us goodnight. We are going to bed and they are staying up!

Susan said...

I can add to Kim's comment...they grow up way too fast and with it comes new worries, but also lots of blessings.
It's the best job in the world and when you've done it right, the most rewarding. XOXO

~Jen said...

I still remember the day that you were trying to wrap your brain around the fact that you were pregnant. I knew you would love every second of it (ok maybe not every second of being pregnant) but you are a Wonderful Mommy & that little boy is lucky to have you!!! Now have another one ;)

Melissa said...

Ahhh...yes...Momma Moments! 356 days, ha? Happy almost Birthday, Momma! What a beautiful time! Enjoy it!

Camille said...

I love this post, Allison. They do change you forever, and they continue to change you as they grow, on even different levels. Blessings to you on this (sometimes crazy) path of motherhood. May it bring you wonderful moments and a new strength of self...

mom said...

x that by four !!!