"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, March 19, 2012

Starting my 2012 Seeds!

Yesterday I finally had some time to get some of my seeds started!

I started my Tomatos
[yes, I know, I have a problem...that is 6 different varieties of tomatos...plus one more not shown!]

And I also started my celery, broccoli and cauliflower.
I am trying something different this year with those three. I try to direct seed as many veggies as I can, but some just don't do well in my area unless they are started earlier indoors.

I was reading on the back of the seed packets for these three though, and it mentions the cooler weather and growing when it hits no more than 70* during the day and 45* at night. Right now, with this freak [nice] weather we are having, I can try this! I have the seeds now started and haning out on the patio. More on them later this week.

I also thought it was worth noting, LAST YEAR when I started seeds, it was the end of March.

Check out my post to see what the weather looked like then, as well as my little seed helper!

Now look at him this year...and we are outside on the patio doing the seeds. So much change all around from last years process! And here is to hoping that the cat doesn't jump on my seedling trays this year, seeding them upside down on the ground, to be runined before they can even make it out to the garden ;)


Tami said...

Great minds think alike. I also started my tomatoes and peppers this weekend. And you're not alone in the varitey department. I think I started 7 or 8 different tomatoes and 4 different peppers.

Will the madness ever end?

Anonymous said...

I'm on week three of seeds and they are doing well. The hardest part is hardening off. I see you use Baker Creek Seeds (as do I). Which tomatoes did you start?

Unknown said...

GirlRural.com -- I have Black Early, Cour di Bue, Bread & Salt, San Marzano, Jujube Cherry and Grace Lahman Pink. I don't recall the 7th variety off the top of my head because it was given to me - LOL.

How about you?

katiegirl said...

I need to start mine today! I planted a few types of greens in the garden yesterday too. I always feel like I'm behind in planting!

Susan said...

I remember starting seeds in February with my grandparents. We just have too many evergreens to do a vegetable garden--thank goodness for great Farmer's Markets!

Melissa said...

I have several varieties going, too. I haven't started all of my tomatoes and peppers yet...I'm playing with succession sowing and putting just a few under the grow lights each week. I'm hoping for an early harvest, but we'll see.

You're Little One is just fantastic! It really is amazing how quickly they change!

Happy sowing!