"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, July 11, 2011

Harvest Monday, July 10

Last week I had nothing! Nothing to participate in Harvest Monday with over at Daphne's Dandelions.
This week, I have something. Not much though! But, a harvest is a harvest, right!

We picked one Hungarian Wax Pepper which went on Homemade French Bread Pizza's and, since we were doing Pizza, we also picked some Basil to go with it.

During the week I picked Cilantro for a few different dished, but did weigh it out.

Saturday we picked 7 cups of Raspberries from a friends house and I made Raspberry Jam....more on that tomorrow. We also picked some of his Zucchini's since ours are not ready yet and I am going to attempt Michael's Symon's Zucchini Fritters.

One thing is for sure though, I'll be 'harvesting' weeds all season long!


kitsapFG said...

A pepper and some basil is definitely a harvest! I bet they were both wonderful on a pizza. Yum!

Mary said...

Trying not to be jealous of your raspberry picking! That sounds like a great time. There is nothing near me for any kind of berry picking.

Your pear harvest looks like it's going to be huge! Do you sell your pears? Or will you be able to use all of those?

Unknown said...

Barefeet: We do sell the pears, and they are a hot seller too! They go so fast I have to be sure to save myself enough to make Pear butter!

Thomas said...

LOL...your post made me laugh. I weeded the entire garden this past weekend and ended up with several bucket loads of weeks. I wish my crops grew as well!

johanna said...

Only if weeds tasted good. The pears do look good.

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

What delicious pizza you made with home-grown veggies. I wish our harvest are more than the weeds we collected.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I was feeling pretty discouraged the past two weeks, and then suddenly all the summer plants started growing fast. Nice pepper!

Dave @ HappyAcres said...

We love to use odds and ends from the veggie patch on our pizzas. Zucchini fritters sound yummy!

RandomGardener said...

Sure! Harvesting weeds would make for its own entry,now wouldn't it? I fill up wheelbarrows every week with weeds :) Are Hungarian wax peppers hot? That one looks like Banana pepper.

Unknown said...

RandomGardener - Yep, Hungarinan Wax peppers do have a kick, especially if you leave in the seeds. They do look similar to Banana Peppers ... especially in photos vs in person.

Barbie said...

If only weeds were something we could eat - and tasted good. LOL. Around here it's the most popular thing to grow. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's still a harvest! :) I don't have any cilantro...that sounds yummy. And don't you wish the weeds didn't grow as voraciously? It seems I weed a section, and they spring up again the next day.

Daphne Gould said...

I harvest weeds all summer long too. It is amazing how fast they like to grow. My biggest problem is when I overlook a section of the yard for a couple of weeks and they just go crazy.

I wish I had enough raspberries to make jam this year. But since it is the first year, I get only enough to nibble on.

Ben Czajkowski said...

A harvest is a harvest. And in time, you'll have some delicious pears to brag about.

There's plenty you can do with those weeds: compost them, feed them to worms...make a pillow? Haha!

Look forward to more of your harvests!

Vanessa said...

I am right there with you harvesting weeds almost everyday. We went to a farmers market in Indy over the weekend and one of the vendors was selling pursulane. I looked at it and realized I pull it out of my garden on a regular basis as a weed, I couldn't believe it.

Unknown said...

Vannessa - I know, right! I just posted a couple weeks back about the Purslane and people selling it at markets near me! LOL -- so, I am slowly starting to learn to appreciate it and then it makes for one less thing I need to pull!!

Jeana said...

I bet the pizza was good especially with the pepper and basil on it.

Shawn Ann said...

I wish my veggies would grow as fast as my weeds!

Tira said...

Hungarian pepper and basil in pizza sounds good to me! What I would do for some fresh picked raspberries now...

Sherry said...

LOL~ we harvest weeds year-round and never run short.
We grew Hungarian Wax pepper 2 seasons ago. They were really good producers. We couldn't figure out enough ways to use them up.

Melissa said...

Congrats on your Wax Pepper! Any harvest is better than no harvest :-) And weeds? They are trying to take over! As soon as you think you're ahead of them, they sneak up behind you and take over again! Stinkin' weeds!

Debi said...

I wish you were close by to have some of my zucchini. The rest of the stuff is just starting to come in. We've had so much rain, however, that my garden is full of weeds too. You are not alone! Debi

meemsnyc said...

Your harvest is like mine! Not much harvesting going on right now. I hope that will change in a week. Raspberry jam sounds awesome. I can't wait until my raspberry bushes are large enough to produce 7 cups of berries!!