"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, July 25, 2011

Harvest Monday, July 25, 2011

Our harvest is starting to be a tad more bountiful :)

This past week I pulled the garlic we had growing wild. Wild as in, been there since we moved in, in a front flower bed :) I had a picture but I can't find it at the moment. It weighed out at almost half a pound after it was cut and dried. YUM!

I also harvested the first of my cuc's for pickles.

We harvested the first of the Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans - they weighed in at .666#!

Zucchini's that came in at 1.795 #

And then, as you see in the picture, more Cuc's - some are Parisian, some are Fin de Meaux and that round yellow ball on the right of the photo [that you may assume is some kind of squash!] is actually a Ruby Wallace Old Time White Cuc that I found growing under the shade of a leaf so I am guess not getting adequate light prevented it from being white!

Something came in and ate/destroyed our Peaches and Cream Sweet Corn :( The one lone one you see in the pictures was enjoyed by our dogs. They snuck it off the counter while I was tending to a matter out in the pasture.

Check out other gardener's weekly harvests at Daphne's Dandelions!


Jill said...

Looks like a feast!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

You make me miss fresh cukes. Those are lovely:).

Melissa said...

Sorry about your corn! Everything else looks wonderful, though! I can hardly wait for cukes! Mine are barely flowering!

pam said...

Looks like a good harvest!

kitsapFG said...

Sorry you lost the corn crop. Any ideas what got into it and ate it? The beans look beautiful and it sounds like you got a nice harvest out of the garlic that was left behind. :D

RandomGardener said...

Sorry about the lost corn crop and the one eaten by your dog! Atleast you have some cukes, mine are just blossoming and then nothing(:

Thomas said...

I need to try those Kentucky wonder beans. Everyone says how good they are.

Unknown said...

Lovely harvest, enjoy!

Unknown said...

I am so jealous about the garlic. Im not having as good luck as I hoped for my garlic. Everything is dying a slow death here in Texas in my veggie garden, its just too darn hot.

Susan said...

Oh, sorry about the corn... at least your beans and cucumbers are looking good! And garlic - excellent!

Mark Willis said...

Dogs eat Sweet Corn??? I wouldn't have expected that. Mind you, I remember when one of our dogs stole a slice of Gorgonzola cheese. I don't recall who was most surprised, him or us...

Unknown said...

Mark - your comment made me laugh out loud :) hehehehe -- and yes, sadly, one of my dogs will eat ANYTHING I put in front of her...broccoli included!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I sympathize with your sweet corn steal. :) and that is an awesome garlic harvest! I would like to plant some this fall.

Shawn Ann said...

children, pets, they are all there to steal your produce of the counter. It must be a conspiracy! Ha! My children are always sneaking stuff off of the counter. The littlest one could not wait for his corn to be cooked and took it and took a big ole bite and was mad when I took it to cook it! I hear raccoons like corn. And deer, and...sorry for that!

~TastyTravels~ said...

Allison, great harvest! I love your cucumber varieties. I'm (trying) to grow the Parisian for the first time this year. If it ever becomes summer, I'll have a few to try. I've never heard of Fin de Meaux or Ruby Wallace. Cool! What do they taste like?

Mac said...

Sorry about your corn, the beans are beautiful. My pole beans grows miserably 2 years in a row, no problem with bush beans though, don't know why.

HolleyGarden said...

Nice looking harvest! Our corn did not do well this year, either. I think the grasshoppers had a feast on them!

Mrs.Pickles said...

Nice harvest! I think I need to get my hands on some of those Kentucky wonder beans! I just saw the pic with your lights still on the barn...so glad to see I am not the only one...lol

Anonymous said...

Great harvest! I will have to try the pickles...

Mary said...

We lost our corn as well. I don't have a clue whether it was a pest or the heat or what? We're just chalking it up to learning as we go. We'll do some more research and hopefully have better luck next time. Your cukes look great. :)

Daphne Gould said...

So sad to lose the corn. I never have good luck with corn. So of course I planted a lot this year. I can only hope.