The holidays will be here before you know it. If you have a little one to buy for and are looking for an eco-friendly or green gift to give, I thought I could offer a few suggestions. These are toys my sons has that we enjoy. I should note up front, this is not a paid blogging post. None of these companies have offered me anything in exchange for this!! This is just simply my opinion on these toys...for what it is worth!
B. Zany Zoo
I am not going to lie. I found this Zany Zoo for a S.T.E.A.L. for, are you ready, $19.99 at a local discount store. When I got home and looked it up online and saw that it can retail for $89, I fell off my chair!!
Anyways, I love this toy because it is made with non-toxic paints; inks are soy-based and varnishes are water-based. The toys are packaged in recyclable material. One thing I found very cool about this Zany Zoo is that there are no pointed edges - all edges in this are 'shaved' off for a smooth finish. Pretty neat, huh! This block will go a long way too. My son is 8 months now and loves it. And my 2 & 3 year old niece and nephew love it too - so it appeals to a wide age range. My son sits and plays with all parts of it and as of recent, he now uses it as a support to help himself stand! Even if I hadn't found this toy for a steal of a price, it would be well worth retail. I looked online and B. toys has all kinds of cool things. Best of all, you can purchase them locally at Target!
Green Toys Stacking Cups
I purchased these because I thought they'd be fun in the bath tub. My little guy has recently took a huge liking to playing in the water while in the tub and I figured we could use these to make a splash! Little did I know, they are just as much fun for an 8 month old outside the water, too! He loves to sit and play with them, throw them, clank them against each other..the floor...the side of the crib...the dogs.... And what I think is pretty cool, they are made in the USA from recycled milk jugs!
Wooden Teether from Finns & Flowers
I have read a lot about wooden teethers. And to be perfectly honest, I see my son chewing on wooden things more that I see him chewing on the plastic types of teethers. I remember reading about the Etsy shop, Finns & Flowers, and their wooden toys and teethers. They have received plenty of good feedback so I ordered their wooden circle teether. We are still waiting for it to arrive, but I have high hopes. It should be here any day now so once it comes in, I will post an update on how he likes it!
**Verdict is in - HE LOVES IT! And no, Mom, he didn't get splinters from it!
Green to Grow Sippy Trainer Cup
I actually won this Green to Grow Sippy Trainer cup from a contest on another blog. And I am glad I did. The down side, for me, is that I can't find anywhere local to purchase them. So, when I need more, I will order them off Amazon. I like them because, duh, they are 'green', but also because of the handles on them. I have noticed they make it very easy for my son to grasp and 'feed' to himself, or to just hold onto in general. If you are looking for an eco-friendly sippy cup for a little one, I'd recommend checking this one out!
Seeing as my baby is only 8 months, we don't have a plethora of toys on hand. I am sure that will change in due time, but for now, these are a few that we really enjoy. I hope this list has been helpful to those of you in the same boat. And please, if you have an item to add to this list, let us all know in the comments below.
Allison, you remind me so much of Kelly and your awareness of doing things "naturally" and with a conscience.
At 8 months, I'm sure your little guy will be more interested in opening the beautiful packages rather than what's inside...I know my wee ones were :) XOXO
Thanks for sharing! I need the wooden teether! Visit me at for recipes and a giveaway!
Same thing happened to me when I had my son, great to see that you’ve put so many amazing products in one place! I love the modern designs and high fashion feel.
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