"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, November 7, 2011

Liberated at the Grocery Store

Since I have made the conscious effort to eat more real food, I have learned so much. It's amazing. Eating more real food and eating locally and seasonally as much as possible - who would have thought.

I know some people think this costs more money, and yes, in some ways it can. Especially at first. But you also have to learn how to be frugal with what you have to make the most of it. I have said it before and I will continue to say, when you eat real food, you stay full longer, and snack less. Real food satiates your appetite. And it is better for you. Sounds like a win-win to me :)

An example of how to make something that seems more expensive pay for itself:
If I purchase a whole chicken, I roast it for dinner one night. Then I save the leftovers to go into a chicken soup the next day. I use the carcass to make homemade chicken broth for the soup. (Homemade broth = liquid gold!!) The soup can be part of dinner the next night and also will serve for a lunch or two for me for the rest of the week. I hate math so I am not going to give you some scientific run down of how economical this is - I think you can gather that!

So, in my babbling here, my whole point was to share that yesterday, while at the grocery store, I was amazed at how many aisles I just flat out passed up. I had no need to purchase anything in the aisle. It was great! It was awesome! I purchase all our meat from our local butcher and most of our produce from a local amish family or farmers market if we don't grow it ourselves. So really, I hit up the dairy aisle, the canned tomatos (didn't have enough of my own this year - bummer) and a few other staples like dried beans, olive oil and lunch meat for hubby's lunch. Yes, I know - lunch meat - I said we are slowly working on this real food diet! Hubby is my biggest hurdle so I have to slowly change him over!

Do you do a real food diet? A seasonal food diet? What is your favorite meal to make?


Susan said...

Thank you for stating the "obvious." I've tried to explain baking from scratch, using fresh ingredients, is More economical in addition to healthier--if it's in a box, it's loaded with preservatives for shelf-life. I know people think a mix that costs $3.99-$8.99(Barefoot Contessa brownies for example!) that it's less than a pound of butter, flour, eggs and chocolate, but if you break down the usage of how much you get out of all of those ingredients, it's less.
We're lucky to have farmer's markets here in the Pacific Northwest--local is the way to go, but at least fresh instead of packaged and frozen is even better!
Off my soap box! Love your post, XOXO

Unknown said...

And that is exactly why I love your blog, Susan :)

Unknown said...

All great points.

Anonymous said...

Eating whole is so healthy. I find that I stick to the outside of the store when I'm being "good." I also tend to make it to farmer's market more because I'm searching for a craving more fun things to eat. Local growers always have great ideas for prepping new foods too!

Melissa said...

We're transitioning to a whole foods diet as well. It's such a process to get beyond the instant gratification of grocery store "foods", but it feels SO GOOD to know what is actually in the food you're cooking, instead of guessing what's not on the label of that packaged food ;-)

Anonymous said...

Doesn't your grocery store carry Applegate Farms lunch meat? It is so good and even though so you can always roast a turkey breast and slice it thin :) Just a thought...I enjoy reading your blog!

Unknown said...

Anonymous - I don't think they do, but I honestly haven't checked into it - I will now :)

And thanks for reading!

HolleyGarden said...

I've been trying to eat this way, too. And yes - it is more economical! But I've noticed I can't just throw together a meal. I have to actually think about the meal ahead of time. It takes more time to actually cook, but tastes so much better, and is so much more nutritious. Good luck to us both on keeping this lifestyle going!

Debi said...

I do just like you ~ I purchase locally raised meats, chickens, and locally produced veggies and eggs if I don't grow them myself. Its a good thing!

Mary said...

We eat a mostly real foods diet. Meats are the excesption and I do my best to buy the best we are able. Lunchmeats are likely to always be in our home though. I've found a few with ingredient lists that aren't ridiculous and I try to stick to those.

It seems there will always be exceptions, but for the most part, we've spent most of the past year not buying things from the center aisles of the store. If there are more than a handful of ingredients or if they are unpronounceable, the item is unlikely to be in my home.

I realized a few weeks ago that I haven't bought a bread product in months. Not bread or tortillas or anything like that. It is a new way of life and I am loving it.

Great topic, Allison. Have a fabulous night!

Vanessa said...

I have found a line of lunch meat it is applegate farms. They are organically raised animals and the meats are minimally processed. It is the only lunchmeat I feel ok buying.