"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, June 11, 2012

Harvest Monday, June 11

This past week we have been harvesting Alaska Shelling Peas like mad. We also continue to harvest our Chard and Crisp Mint Romaine. It is so frequent now I forget to grab photos! Herbs too -- don't forget all the fresh herbs! I need to start drying some out.

We picked the scapes off our hard neck garlic this week!
We pulled a few bulbs too just too peek. Not bad...not looking too bad!

This post is linked up at Daphne's Dandelions for Harvest Monday! Check out other gardeners and what kind of harvest they are blogging about.


kitsapFG said...

Our scapes are just now forming but I am looking forward to harvesting them soon. Your garlic looks like it is shaping up nicely!

Susan said...

Your post reminds me of walking through Pike Place Market in Seattle...brimming with fresh veggies and herbs that inspire!

Diary of a Tomato said...

Our scapes are just forming and it's so difficult to resist pulling the garlic to see what's going on down there underground — thanks for sharing a peek!

Patricia Burroughs aka Pooks said...

Beautiful scapes!

becky3086 said...

Very nice. My garlic came out small but it is good.

Dave @ HappyAcres said...

I pulled some garlic too, just to see. It was nice sized, like yours!

Mary Hysong said...

your garlic is looking really good. I'm still trying to get my soil in shape to grow great garlic. Maybe next year.

Melissa said...

Ahhh...garlic! It really is a wonderful garden item, isn't it?

Julie said...

Hooray for garlic! This was my first year growing it and I'm planning for more next time!