"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Chicken Whisperer & A Giveaway!

I may have mentioned before that my husband is somewhat of an animal whisperer! 
He has never met an animal, that I am aware of, that hasn't liked loved him.

So why would I think the chickens would prove any differently?

Have I mentioned when it is time for them to get back into the coop at night, all he does is say 'C'mon Girls' and the follow him. Single file like a good little flock, they follow him like devout worshippers.

It kinda makes me roll my eyes....

This is 'Roo', as I have been referring to her. Allen thinks am absurd - he said she isn't a rooster. 

And here we have little Chicken Whisperer Junior in the making....

And now, for the giveaway! 

One lucky reader is going to win a One Year Complimentary Subscription to Backyard Poultry Magazine, courtesy of Backyard Poultry Magazine!

If you are new to keeping Chickens, BYP has a nice feature you can sign up for, for free. The healthy chickens bulletins; quick reads with priceless info!

All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me if you have/plan to have/or wish you could have backyard chickens! And if you do have them, what is your favorite thing about them? 

The drawing closes Sunday night at Midnight. I will post the winner Monday - Good Luck!


The contest has closed. The winner of the year subscription to BYP Magazine is Tiny Gardener!


katiegirl said...

I have backyard chickens and I think my favorite thing about them is that they finish any leftovers we have so no food goes to waste! Oh, and I love their eggs too, of course. :-)

Camille said...

We have backyard chickens that we share with our neighbor. I love watching the kids interact with them. And I love watching them eat bugs. Weird, I know! LOL!

Patrice said...

Even though we have chickens as part of our farm business, one of our daughters often has backyard chickens. She has not hatched any this year, but I think she'd really enjoy this magazine! Have a great weekend!

Nichole said...

I don't yet have my own but I grew up with chickens for eggs and a set of fryers. This year my parents ordered a larger amount of cornish hens so I will get half of them for my freezer! :)

Furry Bottoms said...

Where did your MSG post go?! I was looking forward to reading where you discovered MSG... but it has disappeared. I hope it reappears sometime soon. I love your posts.

Unknown said...

Furry Bottoms :) It's coming...I accidentally published it instead of saving it - not finished yet...but next week sometime hopefully :)

Patrice said...

I came here to read the msg post, but it has disappeared. I hope there was no trouble for you posting it. Have a good weekend anyway.

Ashlee said...

Me Me Me!!! We have chickens, as you well know by now... Oyvay, what isn't there to love about them? I mean, eggs are great, the free fertilizer, and the garden companionship. Although, they are causing me a headache... They ate my spinach (again!) but I still love them nevertheless....

Anonymous said...


omgoodies said...

I wish I could have BYC. I'm in the process of researching and writing a letter of petiton to the city council members, as we are a rural community.

Melissa said...

well, from the looks of it, Chicken Whisperer is a good title...he's very gentle :-)

My favorite thing about having chickens is how quietly the coo when they're sleeping. I love it!!!