"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, May 14, 2012

Harvest Monday, May 14

The harvest's this past week were small but sweet!
I continue to pick herbs from the herb garden as needed; Sage, Thyme, Oregano, Dill and Lovage for the time being.

Our 'Crisp Mint' Lettuce is finally coming in nicely as is our Chard. We enjoyed some of this in Portabella Wraps! (Recipe coming later this week)

And I finally remembered this year to pick my chive blossoms for Chive Blossom Vinegar. Of course, someone's grubby little chunky hands helped!

I can't wait to try the vinegar out in a few weeks.

In other garden news, Garden's #1 & #2 are tilled and ready to be planted this week. Hubby also tilled up a potato patch and put in two more 10x30 gardens which he planted with corn, pumpkins, squash and some gourds!


This post is linked up at Harvest Monday, hosted by Daphne's Dandelions. Check out the site to see what other gardener's are up too!


Tami said...

Can't wait to see you garden space. I'd love to grow corn but ir takes up so much space and nutrients, I just buy locally. We do love pumkins and winter squash though so once my beans are done I'm planting TONS of those. If only I can keep the SVB's away

Liz said...

Ooooh I've never heard of chive blossom vinegar - sounds really interesting.

Liz said...

Ooooh I've never heard of chive blossom vinegar - sounds really interesting.

Mary Hysong said...

I don't have a lot of chive blossoms this year, so I just toss them in salad, will have to keep the vinegar idea in mind. Your lettuce looks lovely

Cristy said...

I tried to grow lovage from seed, with no luck whatsoever. I would love to have it in the garden.

kitsapFG said...

chive blossom vinegar sounds lovely. My chives are about to bloom, perhaps I should harvest them and make some!

pooks said...

I can't wait to get chive blossoms. Maybe next year. Chive blossom vinegar sounds wonderful!

Melissa said...

Sounds like you will have bountiful harvests very shortly!!! Enjoy the small ones while you can ;-) I can't wait to see how your chive blossom vinegar turns out!