"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, August 29, 2011

Harvest Monday, August 29, 2011

This past week, I cannot even remember, what, if anything, I have harvested from the garden!
Some beans, I am sure. Probably some peppers.

But right now, were are drowning in Apple harvests!
Between now and the end of harvest season, I invite you to stop back on Wednesdays and share an Apple (or Pear or Quince) recipe for my 'Apple Harvest Party!'

Now hop on over to Daphne's Dandelions to see what other gardener's are harvesting!


kitsapFG said...

Those apples are so pretty hanging on that tree - like candy apples they are so red!

The apple harvest season always shouts "Fall" to me. We just got a bit of a late summer warm up (finally) but the days are definitely getting shorter and I can feel the approach of fall.

Melissa said...

Those apples are absolutely gorgeous! I wonder if you tire of all your apples and pears or if the magic of so much fruit keeps you excited about it all? I imagine it can feel a bit overwhelming, but how wonderful to have an orchard!!!

Unknown said...

Bee Girl - it is funny you ask that! It can certainly be daunting at times; especially during the spring when we have to prune. But the harvesting is always fun. I get a tad panicked too when it all starts harvesting at once and I have to 'use it/sell it, or loose it'! But I couldn't imagine not having the abundance now!

RandomGardener said...

Oh! Such pretty apples! Mine are due shortly too! But I have just 3 small trees:)

Thomas said...

I soooo wish I had an apple tree like yours. One of my favorite films as a child was Anne of Green Gables and at the end of the sequel, there's a great scene of them picking apples. Your tree looks amazing.

I hope to plant a small orchard of my own one day. When that day comes, you'll have to give me plenty of advice!

Jody said...

No Kidding! They look so good. What will you do with them all?

Unknown said...

Jody - this is just one of 110 trees we have :) We sell at a local farmer's market and I can as many as I 'can' - no pun intended ;)

Lena/isklockan said...

What wonderful apples with a beautiful red color.

Kram Lena / isis

michelle said...

Wow, are those beautiful. I'm going to have to dig up my recipe for beet and apple salad to share, although I have neither on hand at the moment so I'll have to get to the farmer's market if I want to make it.

Vanessa said...

The apples are gorgeous, the vibrant red against the leaves!

Rachel said...

Beautiful apples!

Lisa @ My Omaha Garden said...

What a bountiful harvest! Lucky you to have such a productive tree. Looks deelish.