"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, August 1, 2011

Harvest Monday, August 1, 2011

This past week's harvest was all about the Cuc's! I managed to get a few other things harvested as well, but forgot pictures of most of it!!

We were able to harvest one summer squash. Sadly, I don't know that we'll get many more as the plant isn't loving this heat very much.

This is just one photo of some of the Cuc's that promptly went into Fridge Pickel brines. I am experimenting with different recipes for that. Lord knows I have enough Cuc's to do so :) I lost count of how many I picked this last week, but I'd say at least 20!

And, we pulled up the last of our garlic.

I have lots of peppers and green beans to get too this week and some yellow wax beans. The Broccoli and Cauliflower as well as the cabbage is looking pretty good too!

Oh, and I almost forgot. We picked one of our apple trees in the orchard. Some of the apples could have waited another week or so, but the birds were getting to them. We have never had this problem before where the birds attack our apples :/ So I am hoping it was just with this tree...for whatever reason!

Check out other gardener's harvests this week over at Daphne's Dandelions!


Melissa said...

Yay for summer squash! We picked our first, too...and they're super slow coming...maybe it is the heat?! Your apples are absolutely gorgeous!!!

Barbie~ said...

O.M.G. Apples.... YUM..... Since my apple trees failed to flower at the same time I had no germination. I completely forgot about it being apple season! Those look really scrumptious.

Vanessa said...

The apples look delicious! I need to pick my garlic also.

Anonymous said...

Sweet apples...what are you planning to do with them? I was going to make cuke pickles this afternoon, but the garden blogosphere has lured me in...

Daphne Gould said...

Oh yum apples. I dream of the day my trees will start to bear. I have one really early variety that starts to produce in August.

Shawn Ann said...

Good harvest week for you! I had to start all over with my cucumbers. I started with 10 and the cucumber beetles got them all! Grrr. The apples look great too!

RandomGardener said...

Yum apples! What variety is it? Do you spray the trees at all? 20 cucs? That's plenty:) How many did you plant? We have about 4-5 coming this week.

Ben Czajkowski said...

The apples still look good, though :(

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

mmm....crunchy crunchy juicy apples...green with envy here ;-).

kitsapFG said...

I am still waiting for the cucumbers this year (late like everything else). Really looking forward to some refrigerator dills and I am on my last jar of dill pickle relish so I need to get a batch of that made soon! Your apples look delicious.