"Gypsy gold does not chink and glitter. It gleams in the sun and neighs in the dark."

~ Saying of the Gladdagh Gypsies of Galway

Monday, August 22, 2011

Harvest Monday, August 21, 2011

Another Harvest Monday! Last week was a tad slow. I think I picked more than this, but I can't remember and didn't get a photo of it :) We've been busy in the orchard. To see some of the Apple & Pear's we've harvested this past week, check here or here.

As for this harvest basket, the last of the garlic that was drying, some yellow wax beans and the last of our broccoli. I did grab a few KY Wonder Pole beans from the trellis last night for dinner too :)

Check out what others are harvesting for Harvest Monday over at Daphne's Dandelions and Garden Tuesday over at Sidewalk Shoes!
And now that the Orchard is in season, expect to be drowning in posts about Apples...and some Pears....and some Quince!


Melissa said...

I'm excited to see your broccoli! I've just started some for the first time ever as a fall/winter crop and am very excited to see what they do!

I look forward to all your orchard postings! Only wish I was close enough to purchase some of that fantastic-ness ;-)

~TastyTravels~ said...

Wish I was near so I could visit your orchard!! Apples and pears...oh my!!

Alicia@ eco fiendly homemaking said...

I am so envious of your apples and pears! Your garlic looks great. We eat a lot of garlic and I had meant to plant some this year but it is definitely on the top of my list for this next growing season!

David Velten said...

Not bad considering how busy you must be. I also live in apple country and the fruit here is starting to color. The air is much sweeter around the orchards.

And you say last of the broccoli? Last year was my first attempt at growing broccoli. After cutting the heads I got a few shoots during the hot weather. As the season got colder, the plants perked up and started pumping out shoots right up to hard freeze. So I am leaving the plants in and hoping for the same results.

JGH said...

Love the color of the wax beans - so pretty! I'm getting excited about the apples, too. Can't wait to bite into that first one!

Unknown said...

Dave, it is funny you mention that about the broccoli because that is acutally how I 'accquired' these shoots pictured! Maybe I will continue to leave these plants in the ground and see if they 'shoot' off anymore :)

Sarada said...

Thats nice Apples, Pears and Quince will get added to the vegatables for harvest ...

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your orchard harvests! Yay for orchards!

Barbie~ said...

I am forever forgetting what all I harvested. I am fairly good at pictures and that helps but when I slack the memory fails me completely. LOL. SO jealous of the apples and pears.

Robin said...

Your orchards, apples and pears are beautiful! I always miss or forget some of what I harvest during the week.

Shawn Ann said...

Nice broccoli! I just planted my fall broccoli! My garlic looks about like your garlic! Not too big, but still good!

Jody said...

Your first farmers market! That's a big step. Congrats. You asked what was our favorite apple recipe? Mine is apple wine made from cider, sugar and yeast. We're still hoping to have a garlic crop sometime in the future. It's not something we've been able to do well yet. Yours look great.

Mac said...

Love those orchard harvest pictures.
I started some broccoli hopefully I get to pick some shoots before aphids invade the plants.

kitsapFG said...

The orchard harvest is pretty exciting stuff all by itself, but yet you managed to find time to pull in some nice looking veggies too. I hope your broccoli plants continue to give you some side shoot production so it truly does not end up being "the last" for you.

Liz said...

I love your broccoli - I would leave them in - mine keep shooting for ages - or at least until the aphids get them...

RandomGardener said...

Apples and Pears? yum! Harvest looks so good. Do you spray your trees at all? How many trees in all?

Joan's Good Life said...

Wow! YOu have an orchard! That is SO cool! I'd so come to help you pick if I lived near by!!

And it looks as if your garden was very well taken care of to me! You certainly had more things in yours than I did in mine! ;-)

Thanks for stopping by my place and leaving a comment! Love checking your place out!

Daphne Gould said...

I wish I could have posts about drowning in fruit. I have years to wait before mine starts to come in.

Ben Czajkowski said...

Busy in the orchard is a great place to be busy. :)