Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Is your house a home?
So, great ladies from Kitten Krazy came out to my place to pick Cindy up. When they arrived, I was just walking Gypsy out to the blue sweats, a green turtle neck {hey, it's windy and in the 50's} and a stained hooded jacket! I am sure I looked real many of my family members always remind me. My response is always "hey I wanna look beautiful for my horses" ;)
So, after I get the horses out, we descend into the house to get Cindy. da da dummmmm! The majority of our floors are wood, not carpeted, so living on a farm and having two dogs and an indoor cat, plus shedding season in the barn, I must vacuum daily! I hadn't yet vacuumed yesterday as I usually do it after dinner. I had laundry all over the kitchen table that I was folding from the night prior but then got too tired to put away. I had grocery bags all over the kitchen counters because feeding animals comes first when we get home ;)
Even the kitten room hadn't yet had it's even cleaning. Would they be mortified?! Would they scream and run away? Nah...they know the drill! They understand how it goes.
So I ask, is your house a home? Does your home look lived in? Or does it look pristine and untouchable? My home might not make it into the pages of a Country Living magazine anytime soon, but it is a HOME and that works for me :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
Weekend in Review - Animals in Need

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday Evening Etsy 'Vegetable' Finds
Today Allen tilled the gardens while I had to work. We may try to plant our herbs tomorrow and since we are not in the clear for evening frosts, we'll just cover them if one comes through.
So, as we prepare our gardens for transplant, my Etsy finds were uncovered using the search term 'Vegetable'!

Check out Trumbly Designs for a print to add to your home!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Oy! *Sigh*
Today was a 'why me' world in the realm of animals! I had Whinny throwing up god knows what in the morning and came home to ungodly things in the kitten room :/ *GACK* I won't give details, just know I was in tears and swore off anymore kitten litter fosters....until one of the kittens climbed up on Allen's boot, let a leg swing down the side of it and looked up at me with a "I'm sorry, don't be sad" face!! *sigh*
Tomorrow we'll be doing the horse rescue I mentioned the other night. This will all take place after work so it'll be a long day for me. And to top it off, after all the mental exhaustion I have gone through this week with this neglect case, I STILL get emails from IDIOTS who want to get rid of their horse just because they can no longer ride it. NO! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!! And if the horse has a condition that could cause it pain, do the right thing and humanely euthanize it if it cannot be medically corrected. DON'T threathen me that you will have no choice but to take it to an auction if we cannot save it. DANG PEOPLE *sigh*
So, I need to hit the sack asap to be geared up for tomorrow. Let's end the night with some signs of spring around here on the farm!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Food, Inc.

I've seen it. I liked it. Some things were real eye openers. Some things didn't surprise me.
Regardless of whether or not you would ever be willing to change the types of the food you consume, i.e. red meat, becoming vegan, etc..., at least watch this with an open mind and consider where you purchase your food from.
At the very least, I hope you watch and are inspired to buy as much FRESH local food as you can. And I don't mean local as in your local super market. (Watch and you will see what I mean) Local as in your local farmer's markets and CSA programs. Those types of avenues.
Like I say on the Orchard's website,
'Eat Fresh, Be Healthy, Buy Local'
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Cat Fight Continued
So, let's 'reconvene' and get back to what I tried to start yesterday.
First things first - all that wonderfully warm weather we experienced a few weeks back pushed our orchard trees 2 weeks ahead of schedule and now, with these terrible evening frosts, we cannot keep on our fungicide spray schedule and the frost is really doing some damage to our blooms :( We don't quite know yet how much of the crop may be lost.
I have been working all week on an urgent case of horse neglect. We (the rescue I volunteer with) were contacted by a local APL group to help with a case of 12 horses in severe neglect....which means I need to find 12 foster homes/stalls asap. I am still working on it, but I must say the networking in the horse community just by me sending out one email and facebook post has been unbelievably wonderful! If anyone reading this has played a part in networking, thank you thank you thank you.
And now, for my husbands nightly drama ;) Of course, anytime I don't come home straight from work, my phone is bound to ring with some kind of "issue". Last night, it was regarding our cats! You all know Savannah - the farm manager, the killer barn cat. You can read one of her latest episodes here.....and most of you know Mag-Pie :) Our newest addition, who is an indoor cat and doesn't like other cats! Or just check out both their profiles here!
So, Allen runs over and they both then proceed to run in the house!! Maggie ran behind the couch and Savannah ended up running back outside. Allen tried to check Maggie to see if she was ok and she keep 'sassing' him and wouldn't let him near her. By the time I came home, Ms. Priss, aka Savannah, was standing in stoic form next to Allen in the garage. Maggie was back at the screen door and let me scoop her right up and love her.
All seems fine. *sigh* But never a dull moment.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A 'Cat' Fight
We'll reconvene here tomorrow for an update on a.) Allen's cat fight, b.) a horse rescue and c.) apple crops and frost damage
Sleep Tight!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wild Violet Jelly
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Earth Day Etsy Finds
So, in honor is Earth Day, I found some new Favorite Etsy finds using search terms like 'earth' and 'earth day' :) Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
An Attack
That witch! Now I feel for the mice...and rabbits....and birds......
She was fighting with Magpie through my patio screen door and I tried to break it up. She turned - and then took it out on my legs! There are puncture wounds and I immediately doused them in alcohol. If I wake up looking like an elephant, she may be fired from her position!

Monday, April 12, 2010
A Farm Comparison
Tonight [and tomorrow night] I am in a hotel, out of town for work. Allen also seems to get jealous when I have to take this small day or two trips for work because he views it as a vacation away from farm work! I always think he is crazy....regardless of the work, I'd rather be at home on my farm with all my animals :) Snuggling with a hotel pillow is nothing like snuggling with a hound!
On the flip side though, I guess I can kinda see his perspective. Let's compare shall we?
Home: No room service with my breakfast and coffee
Nice* Hotel: Breakfast and coffee delivered to my door at the time I specify
Home: Wake up when the rooster crows and work my butt off before I get to work
Nice* Hotel: Wake up with the alarm, get dressed, go to meetings
Home: I cook dinner and hope it is good
Nice* Hotel: I order a fine dining dinner while I sip on wine waiting for it to be prepared for me
Home: stalls, litter boxes and dog poo to clean
Nice* Hotel: ehhh, anti-bacterial wipe the tv remote??!!
Home: Rip my hair out brushing it after a shower because of the hard water
Nice* Hotel: Brush out my silky smooth hair straight out of the shower
Home: Hurry up and shower because the water is hard & the water pressure isn't all that great
Nice* Hotel: Stand underneath their AWESOME shower head for hours
*Nice = the kind of hotel I only SOMETIMES get when I have to go out of town.
Ok, I digress. All these things about a hotel may sound wonderful....but let's be honest. I am NOT the one paying for them and nothing beats waking up with the sun to hear my horses whinny for their walk my dogs in the orchard watching the sun smell the pot of coffee my husband put on.......the snuggle with my pups while I doze off......there is no place like home there is no place like home there is no place like home *click click*.....Dang, these ruby slippers aren't working. I am still looking out a window that won't open and has a view of high rises.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Behind on Etsy Finds!
I know, I feel like I say that all the time, but......
So anyways, I am off the farm, out of town for work tomorrow through Wednesday so maybe tomorrow night while I am hanging in the hotel, I will rehash the weekend in blog format. For now, let's get caught on up my favorite Etsy finds of the week that I should have posted yesterday morning.

If you find anything you simply cannot live without, purchase it and they'll reimburse you 15% if you mention my blog :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010
I did it!
Please check it out and give me some feedback. Lemme know if you see any typos!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Random Mid-Week Ramblings
Monday evening after all was done, we transplanted our herbs into larger pots to prep them for the great outdoors! I also failed to mentioned that when we moved them [while in their trays] to this spot you see them in now, on Sunday, when we came home from visiting family, Maggie had dumped one of them and then made a MESS out of it. Hence the chairs you may notice blocking the herbs off in this pic. I was a tad peeved but we should have know better. I did loose a few onion plants in her massacre :(
We've got some Italian, Sweet and Purple Basil in there as well as Cilantro, Oregano, Parley, Sage, Rosemary, Dill and Thyme.
This evening we planted our tomato, tomatillo and eggplant seeds. The eggplant is Slim Jim variety courtesy of Daphne's Dandelions.
Allen finished all pruning that needed done in the orchard and also got half of the rows prunings picked up off the ground.
We have a lot of trees already almost past the half inch green stage so I am not sure that we'll be able to get the oil on. I am not too concerned as last year we also missed oiling; we didn't have the tractor or sprayer in time.

Monday, April 5, 2010
Fighting Frustration, Finding Motivation
When I get up in the morning, I am gung-ho, ready to go and get the day started. (Ok, after my coffee). I get to work and get moving all the while making a mental to-do list and thinking about all the things I need to and will do when I get home. (And thinking of how much I could accomplish if I WAS home!) Especially now, during the Spring, when so much needs done. But it never fails, by the time 3:30ish rolls around, I have yet one more hour left at work and am worn down. My enthusiasm and eagerness to get home and work till I drop has faded. And I am sad; I want to do everything on my mental to do list, but physically, I am spent.
This is why it stinks sometimes to have hobbies you are so passionate about, that require 24 hours of your time a day if possible, but still have to go to a day job. It eats my mojo - know what I mean? I would LOVE to work sun up to sun down, day in and day out, outside on our farm. But the sad reality is, we couldn't afford it, at least not right away, if we didn't have those darn day jobs to pay for it. I would love for at least one of us to get to a position where our day job IS the farm, but I don't know if and when that would ever happen.
Weekends are too short. We should switch, 5-day weekend & 2 day work week. Sounds productive to me :)
So when I come home, and I am burnt out before I even start, overwhelmed, frustrated and aggravated, this is where I go to relieve my stress.

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Treasured Pieces
Yesterday Allen brought home some treasures from his grandmothers house. Please excuse the pictures! Most are from my cell; the camera ran out of batteries :/
This bookshelf is my FAVORITE! I have been searching for something like this in antique stores forever. We washed it down with some Murphy's oil soap and then lustored it up with some Old English!

He also brought home this wonderful old cedar chest. It opens from the top and smells wonderful, like cedar ;), inside. We've decided to set it by the back sliding door so we can store all our hats, gloves and things of that nature in it. It also comes in handy to sit on when your getting geared up to head outside!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Beautiful Saturday Etsy Finds
On to this weeks Etsy Finds :)

And last, but certainly not least, this darn stinkin' cute mug with a sheep etched into it! I am a tad of a mug collector....among other things....whenever I go somewhere I like to bring a mug back. This mug is dishwasher safe too! Bonus!! Check out all the great things in Whimsical Wares.